Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My book is ready and so am I

Well here we are, humpday. Middle of the week and lots going on.

The one thing I want to share today is my new portfolio book. It arrived last week, along with my first ibook version.

The book is primarily a portfolio of my photographic work over the last 5 years. It includes some creative spec, some whimsical, some event and some commissioned works with published layouts.

In the past 5 years I have been fortunate to create works for a variety of clients ranging from Fox Harb'r Golf Resort & Spa, Boating Industry Magazine, ADesign Studio and Northumberland Ferries to name a few.

I was also lucky to be a part of the the Bay of Fundy's bid for the New7Wonders of Nature contest as Marketing Director and Staff Photographer (yes the budget had a limit). Through this campaign I developed and implemented the branding and marking collateral (

As a Graphic Designer and Photographer I tend to fill in a lot of my own images when needed in my layouts, so my sense of imagery towards commercial use is quite defined. I really tend to understand how the story needs to play out and the design of imagery is just as important and typography. Mind you not everything I do has just my photography. I do use others work when it fits.

Until 2005, I've spent most of my career behind the scenes and shot only for personal pleasure with some work used commercially. But since forming Just That Communications I have pushed everything forward and strived to better my photo skills to a level of professionalism that satisfies the most discerning client.

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I have also noticed a shift in my creative work as well and have recently reintroduced film back in my work flow. Whether it helps or hinders only time will tell.

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Well, I hope you like the book. It's listed to the right of my blog page under links. Clicking the link will force the download and expansion to either your desktop or downloads folder depending on where you have your downloads configured. Once it's expanded just drag it to your Apple iTunes folder, add to your iTunes Library and sync with your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch.

If you like my work don't hesitate to contact me about discussing your next project. Maybe we can do something great together. Design or commissioned photo project, it's all good!

BTW, the printed version will be accompanying me on client meetings.

Thanks and enjoy, comments are welcome, Derek

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