Monday, July 16, 2012

I'm Back from Saint-Pierre et Miquelon

Good Monday from Prospect.
My Possy, Mark, Peter, Richard, Dirk,Tom and me in front
Fishing boats, Saint-Pierre
Hey, I'm back. Been away for the week on the Route Halifax Saint-Pierre Ocean Race and have some stuff to share.

I effectively, lived without internet for a week and survived, funny huh? Lost it off Cape Breton and would only get updates when we were out sailing off the coast of Saint-Pierre. My phone and iPad would populate when I wasn't looking. It's not that the Island doesn't have internet, it was just difficult to acquire what was set up for the sailors. Too many people sharing the same connection. I kept a few logs to keep my mind up to date during the trip since I couldn't post daily.

The Route Halifax Saint-Pierre race starts in early July in Halifax harbour and finishes 2-3 days in Saint-Pierre. It's a sponsored event hosted by the Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron and the Saint-Pierre Yacht Club.

The race was an amazing trip. It's not just about racing to Saint-Pierre to win honours, (we did capture 4th in our division for the ocean race and the Grand Prix with our canvas enclosure up) it's about a glorious 2.5 day trip to a wonderful place with amazing people.

I only knew 2 of our 6 crew when we left. Actually only met Dirk de Haan as we left the dock to start the race. By the time the week was over, and I had to leave, I had 5 great comrades with bonds for a life time.

We were, Peter Blunden (skipper), Richard Dube (navigator and cook), Dirk de Haan (driver and main trim), Mark Jollymore (driver and trim), Tom Vokey (trim and driver) and myself (trim, photographer, inshore tactics).

The hearts of the Saint-Pierre people are huge and warm. They couldn't do enough for us and we were amazed. They are so gracious. Our host family, Jean-Pierre and José Poirer, were wonderful and I hope to see them again soon.

Mariners Monument, Saint Pierre et Miquelon
The weather, although I'm told is always foggy and cold, was warm and clear with moderate winds pushing us downwind to what I now refer to as the little northern Bermuda. Little European streets with brightly coloured houses, both shingle and stucco sided and a rich history dating back to the discovery of North America.

Anyone that has never been, or thinks it's not the place to go, needs to rethink. I'll fly back with my wife and daughter as soon as we can. It will be the leisurely cap to a great trip.

I've dropped in a few pics, enjoy, Derek

Peter and myself on Life of Reilly II before the start of the inner harbour race (Grand Prix on Thursday)
Saint Pierre
Post Office in Saint-Pierre

Crab Pots, I think
Our race fleet tied up at Saint-Pierre Yacht Club

Our race fleet tied up at Saint-Pierre Yacht Club
Saint-Pierre Yacht Club

Last night meal on Life of Reilly II before I flew back

1 comment:

zaloette said...

Seems a very nice place. I've read quite a lot about the archipelago and appreciate Blogs like yours where I can get informed about tha great place.

Kind Regards from Spain
